networking options
Installing and Configuring VMware Horizon Connector
Saturday, January 12th, 2013
Much like the VMware Horizon Application Manager (installation of the VMware Horizon Application Manager appliance is documented here), the VMware Horizon Connector is an appliance provided by VMware. At boot, you’re prompted to set a new root password, your then dropped to the traditional VMware appliance “home screen”.
Tags: activation code, administrator account, appliance installation, application manager, cert, certificate error, certificate options, cloud, conn, connector web, horizon, ip address, networking options, root password, screen caption, step 1, step 2, step 3, ThinApp, VDI, VIew, vmware, web interface, web server options
Posted in Cloud, Desktop Virtualization, ThinApp, VDI - Virtual Desktop, View, vmware | 2 Comments »