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Installing vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 – A Step By Step Guide

First, download the Free Trial or if your licensed for the full version here!

*Note – Roughly 350GB disk space will be required!

Then we must configure a couple of pre-requisites required for the installation and successfull deployment of vCenter Operations Manager 5.3.

  1. Open your vSphere client, clock on home > networking, then click on the Cluster you wish to monitor, select the IP Pools tab and click Add.
  2. vCenter Operations Manager IP Pools Tab Step 1

    vCenter Operations Manager IP Pools Tab Step 1

  3. You will then configure the Network Address and Default Gateway for the IP Pool.
  4. vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Installation Task 2
  5. Click Ok and you should now see your IP Pool in the list.
  6. Now in your vCenter client, click on File > Deploy OVF Template
  7. vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Installation Deploy OVF Template Step

    vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Installation Deploy OVF Template Step

  8. Select the OVA file you downloaded above
  9. vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select OVA

    vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select OVA

  10. Click Next
  11. Click Next
  12. Click Accept > Click Next
  13. Select the name and Location > Click Next
  14. vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Configure Name

    vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Configure Name

  15. Click Next (Using Small as the Deployment0
  16. Select the Cluster and Click Next
  17. vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select Cluster

    vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select Cluster

  18. Select the datastore, Click Next
  19. Accept the default of lazy zero, Click Next
  20. Select the network map you wish to use, Click Next
  21. vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select Network

    vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select Network

  22. Select the IP Addressing Scheme and click Next
  23. vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select IP

    vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select IP

  24. Configure the Time Zone and both IP Addresses, Click Next
  25. vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select IP Address

    vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 Install Select IP Address

  26. Check “Power On After Deployment” then Finish
  27. You should now see the vApp for vCenter Operations Manager 5.3 power on.
  28. You can now log into the Operations Manager UI using the default username and password of: admin/admin

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