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OpenStack cloud-init cannot contact or ping to establish meta-data connection – fix

Using OpenStack Open vSwitch with VLAN’s removes a lot of the trickery involved with using public and private IP’s. That way each VM gets it’s own real IP address assigned to it. In this case, our network layout looks as such: That being said, the VM’s still need a way to get back to […]

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Posted in Cloud, Cloud-Init, Linux, Networking, Neutron, Open Stack | 2 Comments »

Using haproxy as a load balancer for OpenStack services on RedHat OpenStack

Configuring RedHat OpenStack to be highly available is not like VMware where you just enable a couple features, check some boxes and voila! Quite the contrary… In fact; configuring RedHat OpenStack to be highly available is quite elegant. Lets look at it like this. You quite a few services that make up OpenStack as a […]

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Posted in Linux, Neutron, Nova, OCP, Open Compute, Open Stack, Virtualization | 2 Comments »

OpenStack Havana – Fix for Unable to launch the instance due to “No valid host was found”

When trying to launch a dual homed VM within OpenStack Havana, I would get an Error in the horizon interface. When looking in Nova, I would see the error below when running: nova show ‘instancename’ fault | {u’message’: u’No valid host was found. ‘, u’code’: 500 Which by itself its pretty damn ambiguous, I stared […]

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Posted in Linux, Networking, Neutron, Nova, Open Stack | 2 Comments »

